We’re Here to Help Achieve a Smooth Process of Divorce without Children
When it comes to a dissolution of marriage in Arizona without children under the age of 18 years old, many people make the mistake of not hiring a Phoenix divorce attorney to assist with their divorce. Or, they often try to obtain a cheap Arizona divorce online, falsely assuming it will be quick and easy.
The truth is, even if there aren’t any children involved in your AZ divorce, the process of any divorce can have potential issues that happen. Even though your divorce does not involve children, there are many other factors that will influence you and your spouse’s lives.
Elements such as: spousal maintenance, division of assets and community property, name changes, are there any pets involved, savings and retirements, and so on. Knowing how to handle these issues can make all the difference in your case and ensure you are protected as best as possible.
Our Phoenix Divorce Lawyers are Here to Help!
Arizona Divorce without Children Can Be Resolved in Three Key Ways, Outside of Court
There are a variety of ways to resolve disagreements and conflict resulting from a divorce that do not involve ever stepping foot into a courtroom. These include negotiation, arbitration, private settlement, and mediation, and the newer method, known as “collaborative divorce.”
While it is true that you do not necessarily need to have a divorce lawyer for negotiation or mediation, having a Phoenix divorce attorney can be the difference between getting what you really want and only walking away with what your spouse wants you to have. Mediation, when properly prepared for and handled by our attorneys, can often result in a much quicker and cost-effective outcome.
Arizona Divorce Options: Mediation and Negotiation
Mediation is often the best course of action for uncontested, and in some situations, contested divorce without children cases. However, without the guidance of an experienced attorney protecting your best interests, you may not walk away from the negotiation table with what you wanted or even expected. Furthermore, often, the results obtained at mediation are binding and permanent. Therefore, you always want to ensure it is done the right way.
With both negotiation and mediation, the end goal is for both spouses to reach a fair compromise and each walk away satisfied with the resolution. This process is usually less costly, drawn out, and emotionally daunting than formal litigation.
What is Collaborative Divorce?
Known as one of the newest options in family law, collaborative divorce is the process by which married couples agree to resolve the issues of their divorce without formal litigation. Often, this process involves the parties each having their own legal representation and protection throughout the negotiations, however, without the threat of contentious litigation looming. The primary focus of collaborative divorce is for both spouses to settle in a manner that ensures both parties get what they want and have their needs met amicably.
In essence, collaborative divorce ends the marriage, but begins the couple down the path of fostering a new kind of relationship in which both people can work together to resolve the financial and division issues and achieve a satisfactory resolution without going to court.
In a divorce with children, collaborative divorce can mean the end of the marriage but a new beginning for a partnership and even friendship, which is much healthier for the children of the divorce.
In a divorce without children, collaborative divorce, or also known as an uncontested divorce, can still be an excellent option, as both parties have legal representation, but agree not to engage in behaviors or actions that could protract the divorce process and/or formal litigation. This means obtaining the results and conclusion you want in a much faster manner, and both parties walk away without feeling like they were taken advantage of.
However, the collaborative divorce process is best navigated with an experienced divorce attorney, as there are certain risks and restrictions with this path. Consult with one of our divorce attorneys today to determine if this course of action may be right for you and your case.
Contested Divorce: Going to Divorce Court in Arizona
If you and your spouse are unable to resolve the issues of your divorce through mediation, negotiation, or collaborative divorce, you may have no other choice but to proceed with formal litigation. This course of action is most often required in contested divorce cases or high-conflict cases, which in some instances — without the right representation — could mean up to 18 months or more in court. If possible, it is best to avoid a protracted, contested divorce.
However, if an uncontested divorce is simply unavoidable, or your spouse insists on being unfair and unreasonable, you want to ensure you have the best representation possible in court to advocate for your financial needs. Our team of attorneys are highly skilled litigators, with years of successful trial experience.
To give you the protection needed, your highly experienced Phoenix divorce lawyer and legal team will diligently work hard to ensure the best possible outcome for your divorce.
Rated Best Phoenix Divorce Law Firm – Ensuring a Smooth Dissolution of Marriage
At the Law Office of Daniel Hutto, we completely understand that going through a divorce can be an intimidating situation. In a perfect world, both parties would be amicable and the process would be very quick and easy. However, many of the times that is definitely not the case.
Going through a dissolution of marriage has many factors that need to be resolved. That is why our compassionate legal team is here for you every step of the way. We give you peace of mind knowing that you have a solid team on your side.
To start with your free divorce attorney consultation, call us any time at 602.536.7878 and our experienced and caring staff will take all the needed information to get your divorce case underway.